The experience and sophistication of financial products on a single platform.
About WNT
WNT Capital was born in 2017 with a team recognized in the financial market. With a new philosophy and investment approach, we always seek the best products for our customers.
With careful legal and economic analysis, we offer products that will really be compatible with the proposed return.
We like to think outside of traditional standards, to be the “new plate at the buffet”, and we take care of our customers, esources, as we take care of our own investmentes..
We look at everything, even what no one wants, or has an interest in!
And why not?
That’s why we have that name.
0 Years
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Funds+ R$ 0 BI
Credit operationsOUR MISSION
Founded by professionals with proven experience.
Identify opportunities and investments compatible with what ours investors needs.
Quota Investment Fund
The Quota Investment Fund (FIC) has a strategy of investing almost all resources in quotas of a single fund or of several funds.
The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) defines that at least 95% of the FIC’s equity is to acquire shares of funds of the same classes.
Receivables Investment Fund
The FIDC, or Credit Rights Investment Fund, gathers applications from major investors, within a very specific management format.
It is a pool of resources that allocates a minimum portion of 50% of equity to the application of credit rights.
Credit Rights are configured by receivables, such as exports, rents and payroll loans. Corporate debts are transformed into bonds, which are launched on the market to raise funds.
Financial institutions sell these receivables. They sell the quotas to raise monetary resources to develop their activities and applications.
Real Estate Investment Fund
Real Estate Investment Fund is a pool of resources destined for investment in real estate projects.
FIIs are made up of shares accessible to any investor who has an account with a stockbroker.
These quotas are fractions of the capital invested in real estate assets, and are traded on the free market on the stock exchange.
It works like this: The fund’s equity is divided into quotas. Each investor can have as many shares as they wish, as long as they respect the maximum limit governed by the investment fund’s statute.
Multimarket Investment Fund
Multimarket funds can invest in several asset classes (fixed income, variable income, foreign exchange) and are based on the strategies adopted by managers to achieve the objectives of the funds, which must prevail over the instruments used.
We can say that it is a portfolio that combines investments in fixed and variable income markets.
The main feature of the modality is the application management flexibility.
In this sense, there is a freedom of choice in relation to the proportion of equity that will be applied to each asset class and to the portfolio composition strategy considering profitability and risks.
Equity Investment Fund
The FIP is constituted in the form of a closed condominium, it is a communion of resources destined to the acquisition of shares, debentures, subscription bonuses or other bonds and securities convertible or exchangeable into shares issued by publicly or privately held companies.
The FIP shares are only redeemed at the end of their duration or when the settlement is decided in a shareholders’ meeting.
The fund must participate in the investee company’s decision-making process, effectively influencing the definition of its strategic policy and its management, notably through the appointment of members of the Board of Directors.